
How New SaaS Companies Should Be Using Content Marketing

by Sujan Patel /
January 2, 2017 /
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CMI’s 2016 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends Survey found that 88% of B2B companies are using content marketing. Why? Because it works. Content improves customer and brand relations. It can influence purchasing decisions. It can rank in the search results and drive qualified traffic to your site. It can encourage people to link back to your… View Article

11 Simple Questions to Improve Your SaaS Onboarding

by Sujan Patel /
November 1, 2016 /
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“The reality is, you’ll never retain all of your customers, and some of those reasons you can’t control.” That solid advice comes from former ConversionXL editor Tommy Walker. Even if you improve free trial signups, you won’t save them all — and you will waste a lot of time trying. Because the fact is, some things are simply… View Article

Let Your Customers Write Your Marketing Copy

by Sujan Patel /
January 23, 2016 /
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As a seasoned marketer and former CEO of a multi-million dollar marketing agency, I’m a little embarrassed to say that I never really fully recognized the true value of personally talking with customers until just a few months ago. It’s not that I didn’t understand the importance of customer engagement and support—I did. But I… View Article